Sunday, July 27, 2008

Growing a Dream

"We need a house." I informed my husband one December evening after looking at the same walls all day long of our two bedroom apartment. I was expecting, due in February and on my third month of bed-rest. My two little boys were running around and I felt claustrophobic. My husband's job was not that great and I had no idea how we would get into a home but I wanted one. He told me if I could find a way to do it he was all for it. I still had almost two months left until my baby came so I started dreaming of our charming little starter home while I waited. A dream seed was being planted.

After the baby came, I started researching and found out that there were programs for first time home buyers that we qualified for. We would be able to get a loan with payments that were not much different from the rent we paid. I was so excited and couldn't wait to start seeing houses and find a nice place for my family. It was so wonderful to see my seed sprout and show its miniature new leaves.

"Oh my," was a comment I made most of the time as we looked at these tiny, dirty, run-down dwellings that people called houses. It was so depressing that after two months I decided that we just weren't meant to have a home. We would have to wait for two more years to save up enough to get into a decent home. The seedling wasn't growing the way I thought it should and I plucked it out.

Summer started and with it came uninvited house guests. Our apartment first was infested with flees that bit us until our bodies were covered with red welts. My oldest son had allergic reactions to them and would have quarter size welts that would bleed from him scratching at night. They came from the un-mowed lawn around our apartment building. I called professional exterminators but they would only guaranty their work if they sprayed the whole complex. The land-lord would do nothing about them and our own extermination efforts gave only temporary relief. I thought this was bad enough but then the yellow jackets arrived. They were very aggressive and stung many of the tenants in our complex. The day one landed on my sleeping baby's forehead was the last straw. I had to get my family out of this place. Where had I put that dream seed package...I needed it again.

I started thinking about our little home once more. A determination came over me and I decided that I would look for this home until I found it. It would be clean and livable with a big back yard for my children to run around in. There had to be a home like this somewhere in our city and I prayed daily that the Lord would help me find it. After a month of hard searching we found just what I had been looking for. I knew this was it and couldn't wait to move in. Our lease would end mid-October and we could move out the same week. My seedling took root this time and a bud had appeared.

We put a bid on it but came in second. I was devastated. How could this be? This was my home. It wasn't supposed to be like this. What were we going to do now? Our little plant was looking a bit yellow.

We decided to look for another opportunity. We would not give up until our family was in a clean, safe, bug-free home. We were determined to find a place with room for our children to run and play. My dream plant was not going to die. I would love it and care for it until it bloomed!

Three weeks later we had not found anything interesting and nothing comparable to the other home. Our realtor called us and asked if we were still interested in the home we had bid on. The other buyers' financing hadn't gone through and the owners had already found a new place. The home was ours. We moved in just before Christmas! I love poinsettia blossoms, don't you?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Can YOU Actually Think And Grow Rich?

I am sure you have heard of the book "Think And Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill. If you are one who is inspired to learn about success, wealth and how to achieve it in your own life, then this book may be one you would enjoy. Hill states that "if you change the way you think and apply specific steps to create a wealthy mindset, you can truly Think and Grow Rich." But what does this all mean exactly? This article will shed some light on this philosophy.

The meaning behind this book is all about your personal mindset and how you perceive money and success. Without having the proper mindset on these topics, you will never achieve your true potential.

In our world today, you see many educated people (without skill) and skilled people (without education) who are actually broke. What do the two have in common? The common link is how they perceive success and how to get rich. Now, what they are both lacking is the proper MINDSET to actually Think And Grow Rich.

So, why aren't you rich by now? It is a fact that more people, in the past 22 years, have accumulated wealth than any other time in human history. Your answer to this question will expose a lot about your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, doubts, fears, and maybe even some excuses. You may be blown away with what you encounter. Now some people believe that money is wrong and/or the people who have a lot of it are evil. In return for these thoughts, they will never achieve their own financial success. They will actually Think And Grow Poor!

In conclusion, do I think someone can actually Think And Grow Rich? Absolutely! This is not some mystical way of thinking. I urge you to try it for yourself and be prepared to be blown away.

Hillary Patz is a top internet marketer with a desire to help people find success through BTTW. With a marketing degree and extensive sponsorship training, she is able to lead people to their financial dreams. To learn more about Hillary Patz and her team of Marketing Mentors Click Here

Hillary Patz - EzineArticles Expert Author

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Now, You Can Be A Millionaire Too!

The 12 Month Internet Millionaire Detailed Review - You Dont Want to Miss!

You may be here because you are wondering about the newly launched program called 12 Month Internet Millionaire. Well, since this product has been launched it has managed to rake in over 5,000 sales in its first week! When it was released on October 7th, 2007, it quickly stole the number one top selling spot within days and bumped it's competitior, the Ultimate Wealth Package, off the cliff for good.

So, with all of this positive press 12 Month Internet Millionaire has been receiving, you might be wondering if this is just another get rich scheme or the next big deal. Here I would like to give a brief review of 12 Month Internet Millionaire and how it may or may not benefit you.

The 12 Month Internet Millionaire teaches how to explode business, either online, or maybe even one that you already have up and running. This is a program that caters to everyone. It can help benefit your pre-existing business or help someone build one up and make it so they can profit big time with it.

This program teaches you how to be your customer and what exactly they are looking for. There are many different sources that you will be able to find this information with that the 12 Month Internet Millionaire program will tell you. It will also show you exactly what products are the best ones to sell and which products to stay away from that can never create a dime for you.

The best part about this program as well is how it shows you to get the work done for you using these simple ideas and will only require you to work a minimum of 30 minutes a day. You will be able to eventually put in just a few hours a week, but only when you have the nuts and bolts screwed in tightly for your business.

With the 12 Month Internet Millionaire, you will get The entire 6-hour coaching session with Vincent James (The original author of the book, which you can see below). They are in mp3 format so you can put them on your Ipod and listen to them while your driving, exercising or relaxing at home.

You can check out 12 Month Internet Millionaire Here.