Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Can YOU Actually Think And Grow Rich?

I am sure you have heard of the book "Think And Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill. If you are one who is inspired to learn about success, wealth and how to achieve it in your own life, then this book may be one you would enjoy. Hill states that "if you change the way you think and apply specific steps to create a wealthy mindset, you can truly Think and Grow Rich." But what does this all mean exactly? This article will shed some light on this philosophy.

The meaning behind this book is all about your personal mindset and how you perceive money and success. Without having the proper mindset on these topics, you will never achieve your true potential.

In our world today, you see many educated people (without skill) and skilled people (without education) who are actually broke. What do the two have in common? The common link is how they perceive success and how to get rich. Now, what they are both lacking is the proper MINDSET to actually Think And Grow Rich.

So, why aren't you rich by now? It is a fact that more people, in the past 22 years, have accumulated wealth than any other time in human history. Your answer to this question will expose a lot about your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, doubts, fears, and maybe even some excuses. You may be blown away with what you encounter. Now some people believe that money is wrong and/or the people who have a lot of it are evil. In return for these thoughts, they will never achieve their own financial success. They will actually Think And Grow Poor!

In conclusion, do I think someone can actually Think And Grow Rich? Absolutely! This is not some mystical way of thinking. I urge you to try it for yourself and be prepared to be blown away.

Hillary Patz is a top internet marketer with a desire to help people find success through BTTW. With a marketing degree and extensive sponsorship training, she is able to lead people to their financial dreams. To learn more about Hillary Patz and her team of Marketing Mentors Click Here

Hillary Patz - EzineArticles Expert Author

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