Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The 7 Rules of Motivation

Motivation is key. We are all motivated to do certain things in our lives. We are motivated to make money so our families can live comfortably. We are motivated to make our house payment so we don't live on the street. We are motivated to go see a good movie or go to a good restaurant so we actually have something new to talk about. Why is it so hard to keep motivated about the things that we know need to be done but just can't get accomplished?

How are your finances? How is your love life? How is your time freedom? Aren't these the things that we deem most important? They kind of get pushed aside when life gets in the way. Why do you think the country is so far in debt and that divorce is so high? Motivation comes from the desire to get something done, not from the need to get something done.

So, how can we create desire where there is none? There are seven steps to motivation. The first step is to set a major goal AND have a path towards it. The path is the important part. You can sit down and write goals until you are blue in the face. Unless they have a path they are not goals, they are wishes. Let's say you have a goal of spending more time with your family. What is it going to take for you to be able to do that? Create a path that works for you and move on down it.

The second step is to finish what you start. You may know by now that I have a very successful business. It wasn't always so successful. We all have had days where we want to just stay in bed and let the world go by. You have to work at everything to become anything. Have you ever owned a business? Did you quit before success found you? How about that project that never got done or the garage mess that keeps growing? Your mind will be cluttered with those obstacles until you complete them.

The third step is to socialize with others who have a goal and a path like yours. These like-minded people will keep you in the game. Create a mastermind group in your area so that you can keep motivated through the week. Maybe it could be a luncheon so you can kill two birds with one stone, eat and succeed.

The fourth step is to learn how to learn. I've said before that knowledge is NOT power, applied knowledge is power. If you could read a book each day that would be great, but if you never applied what you read, how would it ever benefit you? Learn how to apply what you've learned and you will master this step.

The fifth step is to harmonize your natural talent with an interest that empowers. Do you love to meet new people? Do something that lets you meet someone new everyday. Do you love to play around on the internet? Do something that pays you to sit and stare at your computer. Motivation is temporary, empowerment is lingering. How can you be empowered?

The sixth step is to increase knowledge that inspires. What inspires you? You could read a personal development book or learn something new about a hobby that interests you. There are also conference calls and articles that you could read that could inspire you to greatness. I hope that this and maybe some of my other articles have inspired you. How about learning a new word or finding a new inspirational quote each day? As long as you are inspired, you are motivated.

The seventh and last step is to always take risks. So what if starting a new venture is risky? Isn't it riskier to keep doing what you've always done with no possibility of anything ever changing? You can do something about your situation. So get out there and do it already! is an Expert Online Marketer

Ready to take your life, dreams and goals to the next level? Then learn more about Phillip's business @

Phillip McGough - EzineArticles Expert Author

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